Find The Right Connections With These Features In The Mello App

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3 kids hugging and siling
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

At Mello, we believe that no one should go through their parenthood journey alone.

This is why we are on the mission to build an app that helps parents build their village and cultivate meaningful connections.

One of the ways we work on this mission is to continuously improve the app with new features that can really support parents to connect with other like-minded families.

Recently we have updated the app again with some new features that make it even easier to optimize the parent research and look for families with matching criteria, such as common interests, languages they speak, location and topics they like to post about.

Explore these Mello’s features and learn about how you can explore the community and connect with the parents you have the most in common with!

Use The Feed Categories

screenshot from mello app

Add languages and interest topics to your profile

You can also add new description tags to your profile! Our collection already includes many options, for example, single parent, dog owner, LGBTQ, international parent, and much more!

screenshots from mello app
You are missing a specific description? No problem: Suggest us which tag you would like to add to your profile and we will add these later as well.

Organize the feed and stay up to date about the conversations you are most interested in.

Click on the topic tags and filter the posts in the feed by the ones you really want to hear and share about.


Use The Filter To Optimize The Parent Research

You are missing a specific description? No problem: Suggest us which tag you would like to add to your profile and we will add these later as well.

If you want to be more specific about the parents you want to connect to, you can optimize the research by using the distance, topic and age of children filters.

Adjust the size of the space within which you want to look for connections and check who is in your local area.

Find the best playmates for your little ones by filtering the research based on the age of children that better work for your family.

Do you have more ideas about how we can improve the app or some cool feature to suggest?

Get in touch! We are always happy to hear your feedback!

By Margherita from Mello Team